Monday, February 18, 2008

My first arrival to Usa

As the time goes by, I still remember the first day that I arrivaled to the USA. The plan was arrivaled earily than it assumed. I was excited and worried to be here. It was my first time to be this far from home afterall. My roommate would pick me up and we had never met before. She left me her cell phone and asked me to call once I arrivaled at the airport. Unfortunally, I forgot to bring the note with me which had my roommate's cell phone on it. At first, I was so nervous and even called back to my mon and asked her for help.And I just tried to look around if there was a same person who was searching for someone too. At this time , I remembered that we had reminded each other what color of shirt we would wear as a sign which could help us to recognize each other. Finally, we met in front of the information board.And it was my first to the USA.

1 comment:

leinster said...

I'm glad you have a plan b. Welcome to the US.